I'm a Software Engineer and I have a lot of fun making websites.
I'm familiar with Django and lots of Django add-ons like DRF, Wagtail etc.
I routinely use postgresql, jquery, bootstrap, scss, vanilla js, ubuntu, docker, git, htmx and more.
Contact me by e-mail to discuss any web dev related opportunities (or just to say hi I guess).
Here are some of the projects I have been working on:
A site built with React, for viewing historic records for club matchups, the data is a bit stale :(
Custom made web hosted bioinformatics tools, as well as a blog site for a biotech startup in Nottingham.
Track temperature & humidity around my house - the sensors are pretty cheap so the accuracy is dubious at best.
My first ever site! Solves any scrabble board, only works on desktop because of the drag and drop library I used.
My second ever site :) Lists some walks in the peak district area.
An early site I made to create a free version of Geoguessr.